Purebred and Pedigree Cats

Purebred Cats

Purebred and Pedigree cats both have official papers that keep a record of their family tree. The main difference between them is that purebred cats have a pure family tree with no other breeds mixed in and pedigree cats can have more than one breed mixed in as long as there is an official record of it.

Some people like to have purebred or pedigree cats because they know how the cat will look and how it will act. For example, Persian cats are known for being affectionate and they have long, beautiful fur, so if a person knows this is what they want it will be safe for them to get a Persian cat.



Bombay cats love to be with people and are very friendly. They are a kind of Burmese cat that was bred to look like a miniature black panther. My first cat, Fidget, was a Bombay and I loved him sooooo much and really miss him! He was so beautiful and I can tell you first hand that he was very friendly and loved to play and cuddle! Bombay cats also have a very cute meow!



Korats are from Thailand, and are known as "good luck cats". They have a shiny gray coat of fir that shimmers like silver. Korats are smart and like to be in charge. They are also very curious and like to be involved in whatever is going on. They don't talk very much, but they still like company and don't like to be left alone for too long!